Welcome to Official page of Bamboo Chinese Restaurant & Mandy Tatchi Chinese Restaurant, one of the oldest, exclusive Chinese Restaurants in Palestine.
Mandy Tatchi Chinese Restaurant and bamboo- our second branch- names have been established since 1996. Mandy Tatchi& bamboo are considered as the Best Chinese Restaurant in Palestine and are the most delicious and healthy in all country. Think of them as a consistent and quick local favorite for family dining.
المطعم الصيني بامبو والمطعم الصيني ماندي تاتشي تعتبر من افضل المطاعم الصينية الموجودة حيث ان خبرتمها تتعدى 18 عاماً وتقدم مجموعة من المأكولات الصينية الصحية لجميع افراد العائلة
Not only can we provide you with the finest cuisine, but we also offer you a variety of Chinese main dishes, soups, appetizers, sea food, dessert, soft drinks and much more to your delight. Experience Chinese cuisine at its finest with these Chef's recommendations on sight.
Note: we serve fried banana, ice cream & Chinese tea for free
يقدم المطعن الصيني تشكيلة من انواع الحساء ولفافات الخضار وأطباق من اللحوم والدجاج والمأكولات البحرية والخضار الطازجة على ايدي امهر الطباخين كما يوجد لدينا عصائر طبيعية ومشروبات غازية وأيضاً يقدم المطعم البوظة مع الموز المقلي والشاي الصيني مجاناً
Whatever your occasion, our restaurants can help you to celebrate in style and cater for business luncheons, birthdays, anniversaries or just a part of your night out – our staff will ensure that your visit is an utterly enjoyable experience.
لدينا استعدادا لاقامة جميع مناسباتكم وحفلات عيد الميلاد بشكل مميز لا ينسى
So when you are ready, our highly qualified Chiefs will create for you an unforgettable delicacy that our intimate restaurant provides.
The Mandy Tatchi & Bamboo Chinese Restaurants welcomes you into a world of fine Asian cuisine enjoyed in a traditionally elegant surrounding and beautifully furnished restaurant.
عند زيارتكم لنا ستجدون كل ما يسركم
Started in 2009
Food Styles:
Seafood, fresh vegetables ,chicken ,beef on the Chinese way
Deserts and Chinese tea on the house for all.
مأكولات على الطريقة الصينية كما يقدم المطعم الحلويات والشاي الصيني مجاناً للجميع
Bamboo Chinese Restaurant
Al-Irsal street – beside Hyundai Company – after Palestine trade Tower الارسال – مقابل شركة هونداي