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My interest in yoga began in 1992 and it soon became a great passion in my life, leading me to explore a variety of yoga styles by having continuously attended to workshops and trainings held by internationally renowned yoga instructors that have been of a great inspiration to me. It wasn’t until 2005 that I decided to take my practice further and become the first yoga teacher in Bethlehem. I completed my 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher training with Prasad Rangnekar in India in 2013 and desire to continue to grow in my practice, striving to serve my students in an attempt to return to them some of the joy and inspiration that they offer me everyday. I am also a proud board member at the Olive Tree Yoga Foundation since 2012.
I constantly cherish the balance yoga brings me, and the effect and results I see in others. Yoga, coupled with my macrobiotic lifestyle, resonates with my soul and keeps me in peaceful harmony of mind, body and spirit.
May everyone live with passion and enjoy each moment for what it is, and remember to breathe, breathe, breathe!
Why practice Yoga ?
The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better. Yoga, the Sanskrit word for “union”, is a practice that uses postures, breathing techniques and meditation to induce relaxation and improve strength. The health benefits of yoga may surpass those of any other activity as it does not only affect your physical body but also your mind and spirit. Specifically, research has shown that among many other health benefits, yoga helps manage or control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease and stress.
Don’t you think its worth trying?
لماذا نمارس اليوغا؟
اليوغا هي كلمة سنسكريتية الأصل تعني "التوحيد". تجلب ممارسة اليوغا العقل إلى اللحظة الحاضرة، تحسن الصفاء، واليقظة في العقل، وهكذا تعمل على تحسين مزاجنا نحو الأفضل. كما وتتمثل اليوغا بتمارين بدنية وتمارين للتحكم بالتنفس بالإضافة إلى تمارين تأمل للوصول إلى الاسترخاء الذهني والبدني. تتفوق اليوغا بمنافعها الصحية على أي نشاط بدني آخر إذ أنها السبيل المؤدي إلى التناغم التام للجسد، العقل والروح. وقد أثبتت الدراسات العلمية بأن ممارسة اليوغا تساعدنا على التخلص من التوتر والقلق فضلا عن دورها في تحسين ومعالجة بعض الأمراض كالتهاب المفاصل، الربو، آلام الظهر، ضغط الدم، التعب المزمن، الاكتئاب، السكري، داء الصرع، الصداع، وأمراض القلب.
والآن وبعد التعرف على هذه النبذة القصيرة عن اليوغا، ألا تعتقد/ي بأنها تستحق التجربة؟