اول مركز في فلسطين لعمل المساج وعلاج الجلد و القدمين عن طريق سمك فريد من نوعه اسمه (Garra Ruffa)
First spa therapy in Ramallah specialized in feet health and care using a new and unique massage technique that is (doctor fish)
What is fish massage :
It's the latest technique for skin care, safe and natural technology . accepted by many people especially celebrities . as a kind of changing the traditional way of feet care (pedicure) and sometimes its an alternative way instead of visit a dermatologist /
What is the fish doctor :
Garra ruff or doctor fish is a kind of a small fish size , that is silver but tends to be reddish , that lives in fresh water and they feed on the dead and affected skin cells of the human body .
Benefits and Healing Properties of Fish Doctor :
1.Eases . prevents ad heals the symptoms of skin disease such as eczema,, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies, and foot corns .
2. Stimualate acupuncture points and modualtes the nervous system to relax the
body . release fatigue and calm the nerves.
3.Removes the tension , and gives a sense of comparability and happiness .
4.Sterilization of wounds and pores, removes excess dead surface cells and bacteria
5.Natural exfoliation for a smooth and a healthy skin .
6.Reduces the negative effects of high heels .
7.Removes stains . and promotes blood circulation
8.Protects and rejuvenates skin cells .
Secession Duration:
Starting from 20 minutes to 50 minutes in the session .
Treatment Duration :
Daily, weekly, or monthly session , depending on the diseases or nature of the case .
Treatment :
One session of this kind carried out by a group of 150 to 200 Garry rufa fishes swim in an aquarium filled with warm water. This kind of fish do not cause any pain , but you feel only a light bites that are ticklish and nice in the beginning , then you will feel the tension fading, and you become relaxed.
Those fish bites work like magic in removing tension and putting your nerves to rest , especially that you'll be too putting your nerves to rest , Especially that you'll be to busy laughing because of the rapid fish movement around you .
Curiously, fish works like they have received training to do massage because they aren't feed on healthy cells, and don't touch it at all .
Balanced Body Begins With Feet .
Aqua Feet - Doctor Fish Spa
Alersal Stret - Palestine Trade Tower - 10th floor
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