The meals with 9others are so that we (entrepreneurs/startups) can help each other solve the challenges of business that we face - the meals are only ever for 10 people - oneself and 9 others and each guest shares what's "keeping them up at night". For each challenge in turn the ‘others’ around the table then share their own experiences, connections and solutions to try to help solve the problem. The meal is just the kick off - we connect all 'others' to each other around the world so that they can share and get insights from other great cities.

Only 9 seats available for each month. Can you make it?
For tickets: call 02-2961376

Meals with 9others in Ramallah:
Tuesday, September 27, 2016:
Seat 1: 104 NIS
Seat 2: 109 NIS
Seat 3: 114 NIS
Seat 4: 119 NIS
Seat 5: 124 NIS
Seat 6: 129 NIS
Seat 7: 134 NIS
Seat 8: 138 NIS
Seat 9: 144 NIS

Tuesday, October 25, 2016:
Seat 1: 104 NIS
Seat 2: 109 NIS
Seat 3: 114 NIS
Seat 4: 119 NIS
Seat 5: 124 NIS
Seat 6: 129 NIS
Seat 7: 134 NIS
Seat 8: 138 NIS
Seat 9: 144 NIS

Tuesday, November 29, 2016:
Seat 1: 104 NIS
Seat 2: 109 NIS
Seat 3: 114 NIS
Seat 4: 119 NIS
Seat 5: 124 NIS
Seat 6: 129 NIS
Seat 7: 134 NIS
Seat 8: 138 NIS
Seat 9: 144 NIS

Tuesday, December 27, 2016:
Seat 1: 104 NIS
Seat 2: 109 NIS
Seat 3: 114 NIS
Seat 4: 119 NIS
Seat 5: 124 NIS
Seat 6: 129 NIS
Seat 7: 134 NIS
Seat 8: 138 NIS
Seat 9: 144 NIS

27 سبتمبر 2016

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