Exposing your child from an early age to freely discover, learn, break fears, do art, and solve problems will support his/her mental & physical development. Learning in a community will allow the child to develop his/her character & attitudes in a healthy & positive atmosphere.
Fann wa Salam workshop will mix them both together as we will be enjoying an art workshop in the Garden together.

♥ Play, Explore, Express, Experience, Expand ♥

The workshop will provide the right tools for your toddler to play, mess up, freely discover new sensations, and new tools.
The purpose of this workshop is to allow the toddler to use and discover in more details his/her touching, feeling, observing, tasting, & hearing senses. Discovering our body parts especially our hands and feet through play with tools that support the learning experience, natural homemade play dough, sand & special sensing boxes will create a fun – healthy – creative learning experience for both the child & the parent.

★ Our art materials are all 100% organic & homemade

When: Friday, 18/8/2017
What time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (we can stay a bit longer too)
Where: Khalil Al-Sakakini Cultural Center

- Ticket : 50 nis
- Age: 1.5 - 5 years old

★ Reservation is mandatory, to reserve please call: 0595290299

See you soon <3

18 أغسطس 2017

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