Benji Boyadgian
The Discord

Curated by Basak Senova and
Jack Persekian

Opening of exhibition:
Wednesday 8 March 2017
Al Ma'mal & Gallery Anadiel
New Gate, Old City, Jerusalem
18:00 - 21:00

The idea of ‘discord’ stems from its geological definition. It is an attempt to look at the eroded ornamental tiles seen in ‘classical’ buildings in Palestine as the subject and core of the artistic research that lasted six years. Through a painting process of repetition and mutation of the patterns, theDiscord dismantles the entangled layers and temporalities encompassing the story of those tiles.

In conjunction with the exhibition, a book, edited by Basak Senova and published by Al Ma’mal, will be launched, documenting Boyadgian’s artistic research, as well as the artworks. It will discuss the aesthetic, historical, political, social, and philosophical aspects around the project. It will include essays by Jack Persekian, Johnathan Habib Engqvist, Sinan Logie, Behzad Khosravi, and Ali Akay along with an extensive interview with Benji Boyadgian. The online version of the book will be hosted by

Exhibition running until 28 April 2017

This exhibition is generously supported by: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - SIDA, Islamic Development Bank, PECDAR, and DOEN Foundation.

For further information contact us:
[email protected] / 02-6283457

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بنجي بوياجيان

القيِّمان بشاق سنوفا
وجاك برسكيان

:إفتتاح المعرض
يوم الأربعاء ٨ آذار ٢٠١٧
المعمل وغاليري أناديل
باب الجديد، البلدة القديمة، القدس
١٨:٠٠ - ٢١:٠٠

يستوحي‭ ‬بنجي‭ ‬بويادجيان‭ ‬ثيمة‭ ‬معرضه‭ ‬الشِقَاق‭ ‬من‭ ‬البلاط‭ ‬المُزخرف‭ ‬المتآكل‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬يُغطي‭ ‬أرضيات‭ ‬المباني‭ ‬التقليدية‭ ‬القديمة‭ ‬في‭ ‬فلسطين،‭ ‬موضوع‭ ‬تمحور‭ ‬حوله‭ ‬بحثه‭ ‬الفني‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬السنوات‭ ‬الستة‭ ‬الاخيرة. ‬عَملية‭ ‬رَسم‭ ‬وإعادَة‭ ‬رَسم‭ ‬تمتلىء‭ ‬بالتكرار‭ ‬وبإحداثيات‭ ‬مُتغيرة‭ ‬في‭ ‬النَمَط‭ ‬الزخرفي‭ ‬في‭ ‬كلِّ‭ ‬مرة،‭ ‬يفكك‭ ‬فيها‭ ‬الشِقَاق‭ ‬الطبقات‭ ‬والأزمنة‭ ‬المُتشابكة‭ ‬الناسجة‭ ‬بمُجملها‭ ‬لقصة‭ ‬البلاط‭.‬ يستمر

يستمر المعرض حتى ٢٨ نيسان ٢٠١٧

08 مارس 2017

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